Here we are: January 2024. It made its appearance swiftly with milder days that have allowed for sunny walks and even some outdoor yoga. As the weather now turns to the familiar frozen and cold days of Colorado winter weather, resolutions to take a walk outside every day all of a sudden seem a little more tenuous. Funny how quickly that sentiment snuck in. Resolutions . . .this is the month that in many ways mirrors and tests our commitments. Trails, gyms, bike routes, exercise classes and yoga sessions are bustling with their regular attendees, returned and renewed in their resolve. -Mixed in are new hikers, bikers, athletes and yogis; they are ready to turn the page and eager to set new goals. Ready to resolve, to reach, to set new goals, many of us experiment with new routines, a return to aspects of healthy habits or a fresh start. One of my yogis asked me the other day:"Do you have any resolutions for your yoga practice?" I am grateful for the question. My resolution for yoga continues to be to fold back the layers of the practice, to dive deeply into the time on the mat and to share the gift of finding a practice that will always feel relevant, authentic and nurturing for anyone who joins me as a student of yoga. Whether yoga is your mental, physical or emotional outlet and support, I can't wait to learn how to support your yoga resolution or simply your practice in 2024! See you on the mat!